Monster Baby Podcast: A Curious Romp Through the Worlds of Mindfulness and Improvisation!
San Francisco improvisors Ted DesMaisons and Lisa Rowland explore the beautiful, surprising and unruly intersections between mindfulness and improvisation as they seek to befriend that oft-hidden and sometimes scary part of all of us that can lead to a life well-lived.
Ted DesMaisons and Lisa Rowland bring an unusual set of skills and experiences to this dialogue. Ted draws on his eclectic path–including Stanford business school and Harvard Divinity School—to integrate insights from contemplative practice, applied improvisation, and positive reinforcement. He is the founder of Anima Learning and the author of the recent published Playful Mindfulness: a joyful journey to everyday confidence, calm and connection. He also teaches playful mindfulness and voice and presence course through Stanford Continuing Studies. Lisa performs and coaches improvisation and speech skills around the world, most visibly with BATS Improv and the Improv Playhouse of San Francisco. She serves on the Theater and Performance Studies (TAPS) faculty at Stanford University and was named the 2012 San Francisco Actor of the Year.
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